Brazil’s national energy sector requires original, applicable, relevant and economically feasible projects for inclusion in the Research & Development and Energy Efficiency Program, which is overseen by the country’s National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL).
In a commitment based on innovation in the sector, we introduce FAROL, a technology company that manages projects and develops products for the sector, with emphasis on existing government programs.
FAROL, in partnership with the company Interligação Elétrica do Madeira, responsible for one of the world’s largest direct current transmission lines ever built, jointly developed an innovative device that can detect high voltage in direct-current transmission systems: HVDC Detector.
Unlike existing commercial equipment, the new device stands out for quantifying levels of voltage and its polarity, with visual and audible signals, ensuring operator safety while working on energized electrical systems.
The device is already in use in the 600kV HVDC systems of the company Interligação Elétrica do Madeira. It is handled by means of an isolated maneuver stick, and it is robust enough to withstand the diversity of climatic conditions, as well as the interferences intrinsic to high voltage environments. Moreover, it can be manufactured for variable voltage ranges, adapting to any high voltage direct current system.
The device is equipped with a voltage detection rod that, when placed in contact with the point under inspection, emits visual and audible signals, thereby ensuring safe and fast maintenance and monitoring of electrical systems.