About Us

Founded in 2006, FAROL accomplishes the management and development of new industrial products that can be commercialized exploring and challenging tomorrow’s manufacturing and engineering technologies through cutting-edge projects and a sustainability plan.

Our mission

Following the culture of innovation, FAROL has had a long history of research and technological development in the Electricity Sector including new equipment and services that contribute to the Energy Efficiency and Electric Power supply in the Brazilian electricity sector.

Following the Research and Development (R&D) and Energy Efficiency (EE) program of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), FAROL accomplishes the management and development of projects that demonstrate originality, applicability, relevance, and economic feasibility of products and services in the electricity sector.

Our Technology

Some previous comprehensive projects accomplished by FAROL are the following:

  • A new force gauge based on piezoelectric transducer was developed in cooperation with UNESP and Italian Universities.
  • CNC Innovation: spindle and laser integration system developed by FAROL.
  • A novel system for laser-based PCB prototyping was recently developed by FAROL.
  • High voltage power supply verification testing in the process of new product development.
  • Recently, we had a paper published in the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics journal sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and available at IEEE Xplore. This paper involved a groundbreaking study aimed at creating acoustic maps using a low-cost piezoelectric transducer during manufacturing processes.

Besides, FAROL has experience and expertise in the following key areas:

  • Energy efficiency and Electrical Power Systems.
  • Electronic Design
  • Computer-Aided Project and Engineering
  • Sensing and Sensor Technology
  • Advanced monitoring of manufacturing operations
  • Machine learning for industrial automation
  • IoT, BigData and Cloud Computing Technology
  • Software Development for Embedded Systems

Our infrastructure